Tuesday, February 9, 2010

last week

Last week was rough...

I lost one of my closest friendships out here in Lawrence. I know people always come in and out of our lives... I guess I just wasn't ready for this one. I didn't see it coming... it kind of just happened.

But... at the end of the day I knew that it was for the best if we went our separate ways. There was no way around it:(

I cried about it once.... (that was all Andrew would let me do) and then I just accepted it.

I am thankful to have other friends here to remind me of who I am. And the one guy who has been there for me the last few months... was there for me again. He was able to put a smile on my face... even when every part of me wanted to cry. It's no wonder why I am still falling for him.

Jay wants me to invite him to Chicago... but you guys know me I am too shy. I have liked him since college.... but that was different. That was before I really knew him for the man that he is. Since we graduated I have gotten to know him on a personal level. When I am with him though.... I try to block out every feeling I have for him. It's complicated to say the least. But... if life was simple, it probably wouldn't be worth living.
