Thursday, November 18, 2010

God is good.

God is good.

After 1 1/2 year of my dad being unemployed he has finally found a job. I'm not sure why but this has inspired me to keep striving and pushing myself into finding that accounting job.

I had never lost hope.... I had just become tired of applying for jobs. But, I just have to keep applying... because I never know when I'll find the one company that is willing to give me a chance.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

gotta find a way to forgive.

Sometimes I wonder if people would notice if I weren't around anymore.

My birthday is next month. I wonder if any of my friends will put aside there differences to be there for me. 26. And I still don't know what I'm suppose to be doing with my life. I feel like there is more I should be doing... but I don't know how to find any type of direction.

The one church I felt like I belonged out here I quit going to because I have been avoiding someone who hurt me very much. I avoid places I think he'll be because I have yet been able to forgive him.

This grudge that I hold... its not healthy. But, I don't know how to look past the pain. I have less than a year to push myself to forgive him.

I plan on moving back with my parents next summer. I feel like this will give me a chance to get my life back in order. I am willing to stick around if I have reason to. But right now I have no reason to.

My true friends will remain my friends no matter where I am. So, I am not worried about losing people in my live. I feel like this will just give us a chance to make our friendships that much stronger.

~ Jet ~